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ASP Alumnus publishes in PLOS ONE

2010 LMU Amgen Scholar Bartosz Helfer takes his summer project to publication


Following his summer as an Amgen Scholar at the LMU in 2010, Bartosz has continued his studies at the LMU, recently completing his master's degree in neurocognitive psychology. Part of his summer research project in 2010 has now led to a publication in PLOS ONE.

Great work Bartosz!

Kupferberg A, Huber M, Helfer B, Lenz C, Knoll A and Glasauer S. 2012. Moving Just Like You: Motor Interference Depends on Similar Motility of Agent and Observer. PLoS ONE 7(6): e39637. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0039637

Amgen Scholars article