2015 Amgen Scholars Europe Symposium
Between Sept 6th and 9th, the LMU Amgen Scholars travelled to Cambridge, UK for the European symposium
After an exciting summer in Munich, the 2015 LMU Amgen Scholars were invited to the University of Cambridge to present their work, meet their European colleagues, and network with faculty and industry representatives.
One of the scholars, Weng Ng, portayed his impressiong from the symposium in a guest post for the Amgen Foundation blog:
"The symposium ended in quite an unexpected and emotional manner for me: 21 LMU Amgen Scholars forming a circle at the entrance of Clare College, Cambridge, on a freezing morning, yet the atmosphere was warmed by an amalgam of tears and laughter. This summer has brought so many bright minds into forging a bond of life-long friendship. As much as it was immutable that the program and the symposium had come to a completion, it really was just the beginning of our science careers."