Congratulations to all LMU Amgen 2018 scholars!
Thank you to all students, faculty, mentors, and institutions for making the 2018 programme such a success!
Over the past summer, 19 Amgen Scholars coming from 15 different countries have conducted 9 weeks of hands-on research in laboratories within the fields of biochemistry, structural, molecular, cell, and developmental biology, cellular and organism neurobiology, computational neuroscience, proteomics, biophysics, cancer research, molecular medicine and physiological sciences.
LMU Biocenter and BioMedical Center, LMU Klinikum, Helmholtz Zentrum München, and BCCN Munich, as well as the Max-Planck-Institutes (MPI) of Biochemistry, Neurobiology and Psychiatry, and TUM have been their hosts.
Group photo at the Munich Poster Session
The LMU Amgen Scholars of 2018 revealed their summer research results in a poster session followed by a closing ceremony on Friday, August 31st, from 11:00 to 15:00 at the LMU Biocenter in Munich. Among the guests attending the event were also their mentors and tutors, graduate students, LMU International Office representatives and Amgen representatives from Munich.
With very positive feedback from labs and scholars, and a very colorful and united group this year, the Munich Poster Session was an exciting event.
The 10th edition of the programme ended with the Cambridge Symposium, where the 2018 LMU Amgen Scholars were invited to the University of Cambridge to present their work to a large audience, meet their European colleagues, and network with faculty and industry representatives.
Group photo at the Cambridge Symposium